Ariel Wallace

Filter Insta-Zine Card

An exhibition of Instagram art published in the October 2021 inaugural issue of Filter: An Instagram Collaboratory for E-Lit Curated by Sarah Whitcomb Laiola.

Role: Multimedia Designer

Organization: Electronic Literature Lab

“Born-digital literature created for social media contexts, like those showcased in this exhibition, underscores the participatory potential of art, a quality present in the art Happenings of the avant garde of the 1950s and 1960s, to the public performances of Second Life of the early 2000s, to Twitterature of the following decade. While Iwona Blazwick and Simon Wilson claim that “[w]orks of art are rarely encountered in isolation.” “Filter Insta-Zine: Instagram Storytelling and Zine Culture curated by Sarah Whitcomb Laiola shows that in the second decade of the 21st Century, they are seldom produced in isolation either.” - Dene Grigar
I created a cohesive tie between the promotional card for the Filter Insta-Zine Exhibition by combining the 3D blob elements used in the animated banner made by one of our great animators at The Electronic Literature Lab, Sierra O’Neal. The exhibition was to promote the work curated by Sarah Whitcomb Laiola through Instagram storytelling and Zine culture.