Ariel Wallace

The Alan Sondheim Collection

Launch party promotional card for social media.
Collection Space

Role: Multimedia Designer

Organization: Electronic Literature Lab

The Alan Sondheim Collection is the latest collection added to ELO’s The NEXT.
“Alan Sondheim is a poet, artist, musician, and theorist working at intersections of cyberspace, the human body, and language. He has worked closely with the trAce Online Writing Centre and served as its artist-in-residence. Sondheim’s work has also been featured at The Museum of the Essential and Beyond That, The New River Journal, the Electronic Literature Collection Volume 1, BeeHive, The Iowa Review Web, and Turbulence.”
In honor of preserving his work and creativity we had a virtual launch party. I took a creative approach to the promotional card for Alans party by creating a opacity overlay effect on the images of Allan and his work. This created cohesion with the animated banner made by one of our great animators at The Electronic Literature Lab, Sierra O’Neal.